Lost & Found Miina Barrera Pinochet and Lucia Westphal Performance / video performance 2023/ 2024 Video-Link: https://vimeo.com/928751441 This performance is a collection of hesitations, fears and self-transcendences of our everyday life. Through sounds and quotes, we gave voice to Rumi, Gabrielle Roth, Pina Bausch, Andy Stott and her piano teacher Alison Skidmore. We analysed that our most motivating and suppressive forces are courage and fear. Fear and courage are both modern and primitive emotions that we inevitably encounter in both the human and animal kingdoms. Fear is often associated with surrender and can be fatal if the instinct to fight or flee is not activated. However, it is known that even the most timid creature can show a survival instinct in a dangerous situation. Is it possible to overcome fear or is it possible to simply hide fear so that the viewer continues to believe in this confident and strong "alpha"? We all grow up with different backgrounds, but everyone probably finds recognition in it. This is both an intimate and global problem. If you seriously look at today's success-oriented economy, the crisis of war and epidemics - if you are weak and afraid, then of course you lose. Video performance screened at "Made in Estonia Maraton" at Kanuti Gildi Saal, Tallinn 2024; and performed at the group exhibition: "Ghost Dance" at KhK Exhibition Hall, Kassel 2023. Curator: Titus Nouwens |
"Lose yourself, lose yourself. Escape from this earthly form, for this body is a chain and you are its prisoner. Break through the prison wall Lose yourself,lose yourself. Escape the black cloud that surrounds you. Then you will see your own light as radiant as the full moon. What is your life actually about? Nothing but the struggle to be someone, Nothing but an escape from your own silence." Poem by Rumi |